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Buy at the costume shop with the best advantages.
African tribal woman costume. includes headdress, black outfit with decorations and skirt.
Leather choker with stone inlaws and decorated with a metallic heart.
Size-52 costume. includes tunic, scarf, and cords.
mulan costume for 4,6, and 8 year-olds. includes dress and tiara.
Prawn or shrimp man costume. Size 50. Included in delivery: body and head.
Spiderman Classic costume. One size. Included in delivery: body suit and hood.
Helium tank for balloons with a capacity of 0,25 m3.
Buccaneer infant girl costume. Size: 2 years. Included in delivery: skirt, blouse, vest, belt and head scarf.
Dutch/tulip girl costume in siezes 4,6 and 10. Included in delivery: skirt, blouse, apron and hat.
Can can kids costume in size 4,6, 8 and 12. Included in delivery: dress with marabou, head cloth and gloves,
Arabian dancer kids costume in sizes 4,6, 8 and 12. Included in delivery: top and divided skirt. Measures: Size 12: shoulders: 29 cm, skirt length: 85 cm., waist: 70 cm., and blouse length: 30 cm. Size 8: shoulders: 28 cm, skirt length: 75 cm., waist: 60 cm., and blouse length: 24 cm.
- Selling costumes since 1980 -
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