Buy at the costume shop with the best advantages.
Singing chicken 32 cm. When you press it it sings like a rooster.
Big plastic real size poop. Available in various colours.
Nerd specs with droopy eyes. Springs make the eyes droop.
Fake Cigarettes smoke joke.Novelty cigarettes look like real cigarettes and often contain hydrated magnesium silicate, which is the primary ingredient in talcum powder. This fine talc powder is meant to look like smoke rising from the (fake) cigarette. Can be filled with talc powder.
Decoration silver spray. For Christmas decorations.
Rubber cow that moos joke item. Measure: 24 cm. If you press it the cow moos.
Leopard eye oilcloth mask and decorated with mustache.
Viking mask with helmet and hair
20321A-AFullhead viking rubber mask with helmet and fake hair. One size.
Ruiz Gallardón rubber full head mask. Only one size available.
Phantom venetian metal colour mask
20122N-APhantom venetian metal colour mask. Available in several colours: black or red.
El Zorro plastic kids mask. With rubberband to be hold.
V for vendetta plastic mask. Only one size available.
Here you can find all kind of accessories for your costumes.
- Selling costumes since 1980 -
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